Sunday, November 05, 2006

Campng at Timberlane

First, I didn't miss a day yesterday. I commented on another blog which I have been lurking on for months for the first time, so that counts.

Friday night, we took the troop out to Timberlane, in the snazzy Tall Timber cabin, for a girly girl overnight. It was probably the most unique campout we've ever had. The girls made homemade clay face masks, oatmeal masks, face lotion, cold cream, homemade mayonnaise for their hair, sparkly lip gloss and bath salts. Then they tried it all out. Here they are with some kind of goop in their hair; they had a choice of yogurt, honey or mayo. Then they put the oatmeal or the clay mask on and kicked back with the cucumbers. After this they soaked their nails in little bowls to get ready for the manicures. Aren't they lovely!

But none of this make is what made this campout so exciting. When we tried to build a fire in the cabin's fireplace, it backdrafted filling the cabin with smoke and set off the smoke alarm. Both cabins had to evacuate while we waited for the firemen to show up and check everything out. We were outside in the freezing cold for a good half hour and most of my girls still had wet hair. But we sang and visited with the troop from the other side. Finally we were given the okay to go back in and finish up being girly. We had chocolate fondue with all kinds of yummy stuff to dip in it. Finally, they gave each other manicures, pedicures and curled and crimped each other's hair. It was some night!

The next morning it was back to real camping. After breakfast, we set off on the perimeter trail taking our lunch along with us. I truly do not remember there being so many straight-up-a-hill and then straight-down-a-hill parts on this trail. My legs are killing me today! But finally we made it to the bridge where we were stopping for lunch. We dug a hole, surrounded it with rocks from the creek and built a fire to cook our hot dogs and s'mores. We let the girls run around and explore the creek and hills and just enjoy being outside for an extended period of time in a natural place. The weather couldn't have been better.

Back at the cabin we had an award ceremony to present the girls with their Bronze Award pins. It was a camping trip that had it all: girly stuff, outdoor stuff, emergency vehicles and firemen on the roof. I for one, will never forget it.


Anonymous said...

First, commenting on a blog is totally ok in my book! :)

Second, that camp out sounds that the best camp out I was never at! :) I am so jealous!

Anonymous said...

I can say that it was the best camp out I've ever been on and I've got the blisters to prove it!!
Way to go fearless leader!