Saturday, December 01, 2007

My New Addition

Behold my new lovely electronic postal scale! It might not thrill the three of you, but I am very much in love with her!

As you may or may not know, the Man and I are small-time Ebay sellers. We always have a thing or two up for sale, sometimes as many as twenty items. I really enjoy it; putting stuff up, keeping an eye on it all week, the drama of the last few minutes as the snipers go crazy and then shipping it away making our home just tiny bit lighter. Oh, and making money is bonus as well. But about a month ago, I had a very bad Ebay week and it was all to blame on the puny little scale we had that just didn't have the umph to get the job done. Running back and forth to the post office to have things weighed is always an option; a nerve-wracking, horror-filled option. No, no, no. I needed a serious piece of equipment and I needed it now before we put one more item up.

So with a dip into the Paypal coffers I bought the above sweet little baby. She weighs objects from 2 ounces up to 76 pounds. The ounces will come in handy, 76 pounds is a wee bit excessive, but what fun!

I've been waiting three weeks for her to show up and it has been such a drag. I swore I wouldn't put anything else up to sell until she arrived and it was taking forever! So I nag and nag and nag at the seller. They finally came back with an apology and the excuse that their shipment was delayed, thereby delaying mine. That means THEY SOLD MERCHANDISE THAT THEY DIDN'T HAVE! So very, very uncool. My feedback will reflect my opinion of their substandard business practices, I assure you.

Now the funny story of her arrival. Yesterday, the shifty sellers sent a message that she had been shipped. Hurray! And here's the tracking number! Hurray! Hurray! Just out of curiosity, a few minutes ago I entered in that number to track where she was right now. Hmm, let's see... left Virginia... shipped to Richfield...central sorting... Elyria...left by front door.... What? Left by front door? I literally dash through the house, through the dog and over cats, on Legos (ouch!), pull open the door and there she is! Covered in snow! Hurray, hurray, hurray!


chipper said...

yea for the package man! (here the numbers are always watching for the package man and usually send up quite the cheer when he walks up). Enjoy your new toy!!!

chipper said...

hey, forgot to tell ya... we have a new addition coming too, but it's not a postal scale!!!