Monday, August 28, 2006

First Day of Sixth Grade

It's our last first day at Ely! We all got up on time after a whole summer of big time sleeping in. I even made cinnamon rolls for breakfast and then remembered to take the first day of school picture. Even though they made all the obligatory "Yuck School!" noises, I know that they were both looking forward to getting back. It's going to be a big year for them.

But let's get to the important stuff. The little girl's eyes have opened! Isn't she cute!


Brewer said...

They look great! Good luck on starting a fantastic new year! my kids are dying to have one of your kitties.

Nance said...

Now you're attached. They don't stay little and cute forever, you know. They get big and start clawing and shedding and need to be "fixed." And then the arguing and open defiance begins. Run! Run away!

Nance said...

PS--was talking about the kitties, not the kiddies. HEE HEE