Friday, December 15, 2006

Welcome New Visitors!

Here's a big hello to all the new visitors to the cafe. You got your Christmas card from me yesterday and inside was a little sticker with this address on it. And you thought "Hmmm, what's this?" So you sat down and typed it in (Maybe wincing a little because you don't like the name much) and found this, my blog. I'm not a big fan of the Christmas letter, but I suppose you could look at this as the longest Christmas letter you've ever gotten. In here you can find out everything that we've been up to since May, when I started this. So now you're thinking "Does she expect me to read all of this?" Of course not! But please, don't make this your only visit. I post on the average 3 or 4 times a week and I truly try to make it interesting, well... at least to me. So come back now and then and catch up with us. And if you're so inclined, leave a comment. I live for the comments!

As for the name of this blog, I understand that some might think it's inappropriate, but there is a history and a story and I like it. Even so, not long ago, in a half dreaming state, a new name for this blog came to me that was even more perfect. I was so excited by it, I jumped right out of bed to write it down before I forgot. But then I found that graphic of the blinking sign and I LOVE that sign so much, I'm never changing the name!

We're not home much and we don't like to answer the phone, but I love to write blogs and read other peoples. I might use the word "really" too often. I might use too many exclamation marks. But I blog because I truly want to connect with you and be a part of your life. I really do! So put this on your "Favorites" list now!


chipper said...

:) I am planning the same "christmas letter" Of course, I don't have my christmas cards out yet though :) the kids did color them... I just can't seem to get them done.

J. said...

Let it go! Put them in a box and they'll be even cuter next year (and you'll have a head start!) If you're not enjoying something, than put it off until you can. Christmas is supposed to be about fun, not obligation!

Nance said...

Better yet, Weaver, send them in July. How fun would that be?