Friday, January 25, 2008

If you can hear a piano fall, you can hear me coming down the hall...

I cannot remember ever being this sick. Not as an adult anyway. Sure, I've been sick before. When I was pregnant, I took the word sick and redefined it; Hell, I wrote an encyclopedia article about it. But this cold has completely done me in. It started Tuesday with just a little tickle in my throat and a tiny cough. That was at 4 PM. By 10 PM, I'm coughing so loud and so hard that they cats won't come anywhere near me and Marco just paced around and cried.

Since then it's been a non-stop coughing fest. My back and my ribs are killing me. My throat is painfully raw. Last night, I finally lost my voice. I don't even have a good example of what I sound like. Ummm, how about a goose stuck between two mattresses? That's got to be pretty close.

But now the coughing has very much subsided; it's still there but it has returned to the clearing-the-throat version, not the bringing-up-a-lung version. Back-to-back doses of NyQuil and sleeping until 11 AM can do wonders it seems. I'm still sore all over, but I think I've found my way through the dark forest of illness. This was all so bad that it was making me wish that I was at school with the zombies! Now that's sick!

But now for the other bit of news. I'm afraid your party shoes are going to have to wait a little longer. The Man and I were discussing his graduation party situation and started making out an invitation list. It got very unwieldy, very fast. There is no possible way that all those people could fit in our house, not even if half of them didn't come! So our option were 1) Rent a hall or 2) Wait until summer. Option 1 doesn't really work because people who have just graduated with their masters don't actually have a lot of extra cash lying around, so no. That leaves us with Option 2, putting you all on ice until our yard is party-ready and having a graduation party five (or six) months after said graduation. The upside is that at that time of year there will be "Happy Graduation" cards in the drugstore. They don't put those out for the poor lonely January graduates. How sad!


Nance said...

Hey, don't fluff off that "cold." Lots of nasty illnesses are going around, including pneumonia, bronchitis, and sinus infections. Rick was sick for a month and finally went to the doctor...yep! Sinus infection and the beginnings of bronchiolitis, and all he thought he had was a lingering cold. That just kept lingering. Took a round of really strong antibiotics and lots of rest to finally kick it. Take good care.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling better! And a card note ... you can find them in the everyday section of cards. The selection is few but they are available year round. ;-)

J. said...

Nance: No fluffing off around here. Coughing colds have a seven day waiting period and then it's off for the professional look. This cough lasted 6 days, just coming in before the deadline!

Jen: I stand corrected. I was at the store and low and behold there were three different graduation cards. Who knew! Well, you did obviously...

Brewer said...

While not being a huge White Stripes fan, i am aware of their existence. I recognized this when i heard on Sirius today..