If you graduated from Elyria High, it's fairly certain you've eaten your fair share of Romanburgers. Even after high school, Mr. Hero cravings can be overwhelming. E and I love Mr. Hero's Romanburgers. During our dating years we ate there all the time. We even decided to get married sitting in Mr. Hero's! And our downtown Mr. Hero's gets points with me for having fresh-brewed iced tea. It's just a plastic pitcher that sits on the counter (sometimes you have to ask for them to get it out of the back). Someone in that restaurant understands the importance of good tea and having a choice other than pop or pop. But my blog about tea will have to wait for another day.
Anyway this past Sunday while watching the dogs crash here and there, we decided it was time for some lunch. We hadn't had Mr. Hero's for a few months, so I went and picked up some Romanburgers. And it was, of course, very yummy. Messy, greasy sandwiches. Wafer fries in lots of ketchup. You need napkin after napkin to keep up. Full, happy bellys...For a little while.
For the rest of the day and night, we were both sick as dogs. Just as miserable as two people can be. You know it's bad when the thought crosses your mind "If I could just throw up, I would feel so much better." At around 11 PM, I was thinking, how can something I ate nine hours ago still be messing me up? E was still feeling rough on all day Monday.
So, I'm afraid this is the end of our love affair with Mr. Hero's. Like many a place before it, it's now on the forbidden list. If I had known that sandwich would be my last Romanburger ever, I would have savored it a little more, would have taken the time to appreciate it. Now it's too late. To Mr. Hero's we say good-bye and in reply Mr. Hero's says you're not in high school anymore.